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A Mandala is an ancient and potent symbol found in several Asian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Bon.
The Tibetan word for mandala, kyingkor, means ‘centre [and] circle.’ This term implies an intimate relationship between the core and the periphery, as noted by Professor Charles Ramble, in the introduction of the exhibition catalogue.
These extraordinary pieces of sacred art were commissioned for the Mandalas: Mirrors of the Cosmos charity art exhibition that will open on October 17, 2013 at Bel Air Fine Art Gallery in Geneva, Switzerland.
A Mandala is an ancient and potent symbol found in several Asian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Bon. The Tibetan word for mandala, kyingkor, means ‘centre [and] circle.’ This term implies an intimate relationship between the core and the periphery, as noted by Professor Charles Ramble, in the introduction of the exhibition catalogue.
If you want to own any of these mandala paintings, please contact us at for more details. For those interested in obtaining the official Mandalas: Mirrors of the Cosmos Art Exhibition Catalog, please click here. All proceeds will directly fund the International Himalayan School Programme in Siliguri, India.

Nam Dag Yum Gyi Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the Totally Pure Mother, acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 86 x 86 cm, 2013

Nye Lam Sde Bzhi’i Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the direct path, rituals of the four classes (of spirits); acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 86 x 86 cm , 2013

Gshed Dmar Spyi ‘Dul Gyi Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the Universal Conqueror, the Red Destroyer (of haughty spirits); acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 67 x 67 cm, 2013

Dus Kyi ‘Khor Lo’i Dkyil ‘Khor, Kalachakra Mandala, the wheel of time; acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 86 x 86 cm, 2013

Byams ldan Rgyal Ba’i Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the Loving Victor, acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 86 x 86 cm, 2013

Stag La Bdag Rdzogs Kyi Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the Self-Perfected (deity) Tagla, acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 86 x 86 cm, 2013
Pad Ma Klong Yangs Kyi Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the (pure) Lotus of the Open Expanse, acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 86 x 86 cm, 2013

Rtsod Bzlog Yang Snying Gi Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the Most Essential (deity) for Ending Disputes, acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 86 x 86 cm, 2013

Sku Gsum Don Rub Mkha’ ‘Gying Dkar Po’i Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the White Sky Dancing (deity), the realization of the State of Three Kayas (three enlightened bodies); acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 67 x 67 cm, 2013

Khro Bo Smug Nag ‘Hyil Ba’i Dkyil ‘Khor,Mandala of the Radiating Dark Brown Wrathful (deity), acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 67 x 67 cm, 2013

Dge Spyod Kyi Fkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the Virtuous Practice, acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 67 x 67 cm, 2013

A Bse’i Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of Abse (an ancient Bön protector belonging to the Tsen class of spirits), acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 67 x 67 cm, 2013
BON 13
Zhi Ba A Dkar Tshangs Pa’i Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the (deity) Peaceful Pure White A, acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 67 x 67 cm, 2013

Dbal Mo Srid Pa Spyi ‘Dul Gyi Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of Walmo Sidpa Chidul, The Fierce Female Conqueror of the Whole Universe; acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 67 x 67 cm, 2013

Dbal Gsas Thun Lung Gi Dkyil ‘Khor, Mandala of the Fierce Deity Thunlung, acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 67 x 67 cm, 2013

Gdugs Dkar Gyi Dkyil ‘Khor Mandala of the (deity) White Parasol, acrylic and mineral color on canvas, 67 x 67 cm, 2013